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We offer ukiyo-e print reproductions using one of the best inkjet printers on the planet with some of the best ink ever made.

Using the right paper and in the right conditions, the ink can last 100 years without fading. Certain types of paper may not last as long without fading, but we also strive to only use the highest quality papers.

We use high-resolution scans of antique ukiyo-e prints and perform some image editing to try to make the prints look as they originally did when they were originally produced. This helps to preserve the grain lines and other artifacts from the original woodblock printing process instead of producing clean, digital prints.

We do purposefully keep in many of the damages and signs of aging in order to "preserve" the antique look, though. In the case of holes or lines, we are more likely to modify the image, but our main focus is to maintain authenticity to a significant degree.

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